Monday, May 3, 2010

"I've got it! He's bald!" And Other Stories with Morals.

Ok, now that that's out of the way, have you ever wondered how Anime character's hair does what it does? I mean seriously.

About the Sasuke picutre... I mean it does show what I'm talking about, with the whole hair thing... But I just had to throw this out there, because I'm fairly sure that's Yaoi... with himself.
On this subject there was once a rather long conversation in the Freashman Hallway with Jen, Ashely, Regina, and myself. It went something like this:
Me: I mean really. For Sasuke's hair to do what it does, it would have to have the consistancy of straw... or there would be large amounts of hairspray/gel involved.
Jen: Maybe it's a wig.
Ashely: Yeah, maybe...
Me: I've got it!!! He's bald!!!
[Note to those involved... I might be forgetting parts of this conversation]
The moral of this story is: Don't leave a bunch of otakus alone in a hallway. 'Nuff said.

At any rate, here's the rest of my weekend:
So, I went over to my friends house and hearded 7th graders and tried to make sure they didn't destroy the house. They didn't, but I can't say as much for my glasses, which are now in two pieces. The end of this particular fiasco? Well, I stayed up 'till 4:30 and had to get up early the next morning to work on a project. Not fun.
So, after the project was over and done with, I went to my other friends house to help out with her family's dinner party. Yummy food and a whole lot of inside jokes including, "Well, at least we're wearing shorts." "Don't let the grizzly get you." and "The hurricane's coming!" That was fun, and then I went to the Mission Trip meeting at the my church.
Things I have learned from that meeting:
  1. Maxie pads are from now on to be referrred to as "Nail Polish"
  2. If you don't want to carry anything, put it in Sean's suitcase.
  3. Ken is going to kill us all, and make us want to kill him. (He said it himself.)
  4. Mexican toliets don't flush.
And then there were the tampons next to Sean and Ken (or was it Charissa?) Yelling at him, "Dont' throw the tampons!"
I really do love my church...

Well, now I must bid you adieu, and try not to get killed by my memory map.
Much Love!

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