Thursday, April 29, 2010

Generation X! Hah! [Insert fake excitment here]

I started watching Yu-Gi-Oh! GX on YouTube ('Cause I'm a dork like that.) Funny thing is, I made the mistake of trying to watch the English dub, which is done by 4Kids. I honestly think that company should be BANNED from touching any anime. By the end of the second episode, when I had had to suffer through a girly Chazz flirting with Alexis, a creepy pedophile man on the plane, and Jaden's voice which is way to deep to be considered normal, I decided that I should probably go watch it in Japanese. Now I can make fun of the way they pronounce Cyber Blader.

Moving on from Anime, let's turn to the members of my Anime obsessed lunch table. For instance, there's me and Regina (Regina: Regina and I!) also known as the twins (we're not related.), who are the Dog and Cat whisperer, respectively. I really dislike dogs... Then there's Jen, the lone senior at our table, who is accident prone and I think Murphy has a crush on her (Murphy as in Murphy's Law, not some creeper at my school.) Not to mention Ashely, the bug whisperer, and Leann, who may very well be the most otaku-ish of us all. Ah well, I love them all any way.

I'm going to bring this post to a close, because I really can't think of anything else to write about... >.< I'll post again soon, and I will post something new on BleachInABox soon.

Oh, and Hi, by the way. I guess I kinda didn't greet you... at all.

!!Link!! BleachInABox !!Link!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

So Basically...

All right, so here’s the thing. I am trapped in a car driving to L.A. That’s a nine hour car trip, ladies and gentleman. We started at about 2. It is now 4:50. We are just getting out of Phoenix. 352 miles to Los Angles and I’m already bored. Ah well, makes for interesting stories. Well, maybe not interesting, since all I’ve been doing is playing Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Spirit Caller (uber fun game, by the way. Portable dueling = win!)

What I really should be doing on this car ride from hell is my homework, but… well, there’s a funny story about that [shifty eyes]. So I was looking at my planner, and I was thinking, “I should probably start practicing from my Memory Map. (Mr. Lewis’s gift to us freshman… X_X ß Dead face.)” Then I just sorta starred at my planner… and starred at it some more… And you could kinda see my enthusiasm meter hitting rock bottom. So I didn’t work on my memory map. And the moral of this story is… I am not very good at motivating myself.

We stopped for lunch a while ago. We went to Chipoltle. I am writing very short sentences. At any rate, it was my vote that decided our destination. The conversation went something like this:

Mom: Well, what do we want? McDonalds? Wendys?

Me: I don’t want fast food. I want Chipoltle.

Dad: And what’s Chipoltle. Slower food?

Me: Yeah. I like my food medium fast.

Welcome to the family.
I suppose you might be wondering what prompted me to go on a cross-country trip in the middle of the school year. Well, it’s my cousin’s Bar Mitzvah. I really wish his birthday wasn’t in the middle of the school year. (Bar Mitzvah = Jewish coming of age ceremony which happens when they turn 13. I’m not sure if I already explained this. You see, I’m writing this without Internet in the middle of nowhere.) Don’t get me wrong, I love my cousin and everything, but I’m not good at the whole “party” thing. Not unless my friends are involved. 250 miles to Los Angeles.
We just stopped at Quartsite and I got ice cream! (Dibs to be exact.) Love that stuff. It’s pure crack, I swear… :D Mint gum was also purchased. And now the sun is setting, which brings an end to all things that don’t have lighted screens. (We’re also in the middle of nowhere again, but then again, when are we not on this trip? By the time we get anywhere interesting, it’ll be dark and I won’t be able to take anymore pictures.) On a totally unrelated note, my soda just spilled in my lap. Not a happy camper… It is 7:30, and I’ll write more later.

We’re in the middle of nowhere and my parents just turned on the radio, to see if anything would come in. Something did. Justin Beiber singing “Baby” did. My automatic response was, “Ack! Turn it off! Turn it off!” They did. And then:

Me: I hate Justin Beiber. And yes, that was a guy.

Mom: Really? It didn’t sound like one.

I think I can honestly become a fan of the page on Facebook entitled, “ ‘Wow, that girl has such a pretty voice.” “That’s Justin Beiber, Mom.” Oh, excuse me. I can “like” it. (I shall not rant about how they took away the option to become a fan of something. I shall not rant about how they took away the option to become a fan of something. [etc])

Beiber Blast! Hah!

Yeah, so that was my day. I didn’t get to L.A. until 12 (midnight) and then I had to get up at 6:45 to go to my cousin’s bar mitzvah. (His name’s Sean, by the way. The older one’s name is Eric. He’s 2 years older than me, Sean’s 2 years younger.) And there you have it. Have a nice life. :D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stay Away From Power, no wait, Shonen Couplings.

Hello again, fair world of... worldness?
And fail. Moving on.

So, I have been a very busy person for the past couple of weeks (curse you essays!). I blame this on my teachers who have decided, "Hey! Let's kill the freashman class with home work since the year is almost over!" Yeah... Not fun. At any rate, I've spent the last few weeks babbling about Creationism, Evolution, and the job of a professional musician (don't ask). Gotta love my teachers. :) Not. (Except for my Math teacher. She is epic.) Now, let's see what what stories I can dredge up from the darkest recesses of my consioucsness.

Ok, so first story. In English a couple of days ago (acctually, it was last week, but that's a minor detail) a boy in my class decided that we shouldn't acctually get anything done that day. So he raises his hand and says, "Can we talk about our troubles?" Funny thing is, my teacher acctually agreed. Sad thing is, she only gave us 10 minutes. HOwever, instead of using those 10 minutes to 'talk about our troubles' we played Ninja (best game ever. If you don't know what it is, go find out 'cause I'm too lazy to explain it right now.) That has to be the most epic game of ninja ever. One of the boys got so into it, he literally did a sommersalt across the room to hit someone. I do love my school sometimes.

I do have more to write about, but I think I'll just explain the title of this post (you know you were all just dying to find out what I was talking about) and leave you to your life. So, my bestest buddy Leann was talking about Soul Eater (an anime, just FYI) and about a pairing with one of the main characters. Me and Regina argued rather forcefully that there ARE NO PAIRINGS IN SOUL EATER! And then Regina wrote "or shonen pairings" under my quote from the 3rd Star Wars movie in my planner ("How many times do I have to tell you? Stay away from power couplings!") And so, I'll leave you. :D


P.S. RIP Leann, who was killed by her Biology Essay.